Thomas Merton’s Ideas in Latin America

His Writings in Sur


  • Marcela Raggio Universidad Nacional de Cuyo / CONICET


Intellectual networks, Personalism, Thomas Merton, Sur, Victoria Ocampo


This article explores Thomas Merton’s relation with the Argentine journal Sur, directed by Victoria Ocampo. It aims at studying Merton’s works and contributions to the journal, in search of the cultural and intellectual networks that are visualized in those writings. Which of Merton’s ideas seem appealing to Sur? Why does Sur publish essays by the American monk? Do texts by Merton published in Ocampo’s journal share any traits? Our main objective is to understand the ways in which Merton’s texts in Sur connected with the social, literary and cultural contexts of the mid-20th century, through their shared confluence with the ideals of humanism / personalism.


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How to Cite

Raggio, M. . (2019). Thomas Merton’s Ideas in Latin America: His Writings in Sur. Prismas - Revista De Historia Intelectual, 23(1), 99–118. Retrieved from