An Impossible Architecture?

Politics and Architecture in Cordoba’s Taller Total, 1970-1975


  • Juan Sebastián Malecki Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, CONICET


Radicalization, Architecture, Habitat, Avant, Gardes


The Taller Total -the given name to the political and pedagogical experience held at Cordoba’s Faculty of Architecture between 1970 and 1975- was, perhaps, one of the most riches and complexes episodes in the history of Argentinean universities, where it can be fund a overlapping of political radicalization, architectural discussions and pedagogical debates. As a product of a series of long brewing crises involving institutions, politics, society, the university, and the discipline of Architecture itself, the Taller Total is a good case study to enquire the relationships between architecture and politics in a particular moment of the Argentinean and international architectural culture. The aim of the present paper is to query the intellectual outlines of the Taller Total, focusing on its architectural debates and their international references. In those debates, the problematic of “habitat” was thought not only as a redefinition of the disciplinary boundaries but also as a consideration of Architecture’s specific contribution to social transformation processes. This brings the necessity to reconsider this experience under the problematic posses by the “untimeliness” of the neo-avant-gards.


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How to Cite

Malecki, J. S. (2018). An Impossible Architecture? Politics and Architecture in Cordoba’s Taller Total, 1970-1975. Prismas - Revista De Historia Intelectual, 22(1), 95–115. Retrieved from