iberalism and Democracy: from two histories to only one. Europe 1919-1960, from Max Weber to Norberto Bobbio


  • Antonio Annino Universitá di Firenze /CIDE México


Liberalism, Democracy, Historiography, Europe


The article aims to explain how and why, between the two world wars, a historiography paradigm was built. This paradigm unified the history of the nineteen-century liberalism with the new democracy of the XX century. This model was powerful and successful, not only among historians but also with an informed audience. To study this topic the article analyzes a series of ideas of important authors and groups that had an indisputable influence in the historical discipline. The thesis that is advanced in this text is that, in the current conditions of the world, after the Berlin wall, it is necessary to recuperate the autonomy of the two centuries, especially for the Latin American case.


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4. Constant, Benjamin, Principios de política, Buenos Aires, Editorial Nova, 1943.
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How to Cite

Annino, A. . (2012). iberalism and Democracy: from two histories to only one. Europe 1919-1960, from Max Weber to Norberto Bobbio. Prismas - Revista De Historia Intelectual, 16(1), 11–32. Retrieved from https://prismas.unq.edu.ar/OJS/index.php/Prismas/article/view/Annino_prismas16