Peer Review Process

The “Articles” section is composed of original, unpublished works submitted to the magazine for publication. All submissions are initially assessed by the editorial board, which decides whether or not the article fits the scope of the journal and is suitable for peer review. Submissions recommended for review are assigned by the Editorial Board to two independent experts, who evaluate the article for clarity, sound methodology and contribution to existing scholarship. The Editorial Board ensures that the referees are distinct from the authors of the articles and that both authors’ and peer reviewers’ identities are protected.

The peer review process is double blind, meaning that authors and reviewers remain anonymous throughout the review process. The reviewers will make a recommendation for rejection, revisions or acceptance. In case of a radical discrepancy the journal carries out a third evaluation. 

The 'Dossier' section is evaluated by the external double-blind peer review system starting with volume 24.

The editorial board evaluates the essays received for the ‘Readings' section

The evaluation of the works received for the ‘Reviews’ section is carried out by the book review editors.