Onofroff in Buenos Aires (1895)
Rise and fall of an illusionist
Hypnosis, Supernatural, Theater, OnofroffAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to reconstruct the visit to Buenos Aires made by the illusionist Onofroff from March to June 1895. During those months, in the most important newspapers of the city appeared numerous articles and notes that clearly reflect the impact made by the visitor on different members of the cultural and scientific scene. The shows made by Onofroff in two theaters of the city not only attracted the interest of an anonymus and curious public, but
also triggered different reactions from the scientific community and the intellectual elite. The analysis of these reactions provides elements that allow us to
have a better understanding of different dimensions of the cultural history of the late nineteenth century. On that sense, throuhout this article we will show
how the discussions concerning the illusionist’s powers gave rise both to a recovery of some debates relation to the field of the supernatural, and to a renewal of the medical language about phenomena like hypnotism. Thus, and in continuity with other recent researches, we will highlight how the “supernatural” facts could be accepted in the academics’ dialogues
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