Representaciones de la barbarie europea y americana durante los siglos XVI y XVII


  • Nicolás Kwiatkowski Universidad Nacional de San Martín / CONICET


Barbarian, Representations, Early Modern Europe, Identities


The article studies visual and textual representations of barbarity in Early Modern Europe, in an attempt to trace the ways in which identity was constructed as a part of a conflictive relationship with others from the Old and New Worlds. Hence, the cases in which encounters with others triggered reflections by Europeans about their own existence in present and past times. The uses of the term “barbarian” in the relationships between the English and the Irish during the seventeenth century are also studied. In this case, the notion implied a denial of empathy and a dehumanization of the adversary that conditioned a series of mass killings and deportations


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How to Cite

Kwiatkowski, N. (2014). Representaciones de la barbarie europea y americana durante los siglos XVI y XVII. Prismas - Revista De Historia Intelectual, 18(1), 29–62. Retrieved from