Profiling an alternative

From complex systems to the aporia of the theory of historical times of Reinhart Koselleck


  • José Javier Blanco Rivero Universidad Simón Bolívar, Centro de Historia Intelectual-UNQ


Temporality, Experience of Time, Second Order Observation, Complex Systems, Historiography


The theory of historical times of Reinhart Koselleck faces a fundamental aporia: the paradox that concepts are the condition of the possibility of historical experience and at the same time the form of that experience. These Kantian transcendental foundations have percolated contemporary historiography through the category of “experience of time”. Complex systems paradigm, in the synthesis achieved by Niklas Luhmann, might offer some tools to recast the theory of historical times departing from concepts such as “self-reference”, “complexity” and “second-order-observation”. It will be suggested that the distinction variance/invariance might replace the anthropocentric category of “experience of time” in recasting Koselleck’s theory of history.


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How to Cite

Blanco Rivero, J. J. (2018). Profiling an alternative: From complex systems to the aporia of the theory of historical times of Reinhart Koselleck. Prismas - Revista De Historia Intelectual, 22(1), 11–29. Retrieved from