An economic analysis of Peronism.

Socialist leaders and intellectuals against the economic policies in post-war Argentina


  • Claudio Belini Conicet Instituto Ravignani



Economic planning, Peronism, Argentina Socialist Party, Economic planning


This article aims to study the analyses and diagnoses that leaders and intellectuals of the Socialist Party carried out on the peronist economic policies within the framework of the transformations of capitalism during the second post-war period. Based on party press, books and pamphlets edited by Rómulo Bogliolo, Américo Ghioldi, Nicolás Repetto and Alfredo Palacios, we examine the changes in socialist conceptions, their intellectual sources and interpretations of the various conjunctures that the Argentine economy went through. In a context of renewal of economic ideas initiated in the thirties and which prompted local socialism to encourage economic planning, nationalizations and mixed capital companies, in the 1940s, socialists had to position themselves in the face of Peronist reforms and new phenomena such as an intense redistribution of income, the inflationary process and the crisis of the external sector. Socialist analyses of Peronist policies had an important impact on the economic controversies of the second post-war period and formed a strong ideological opposition to Peronism.



How to Cite

Belini, C. (2022). An economic analysis of Peronism. : Socialist leaders and intellectuals against the economic policies in post-war Argentina. Prismas - Revista De Historia Intelectual, 26(1), 111–130.